Product Activation: the registration of application in DJI works as required and after application startup the debugger's log show: "[DYMLTInitPlatform] platform initialization successful"
Use your dedicated system to communicate with the DJI flight controller over a direct serial connection. Monitor and control aircraft flight behavior with the Onboard API functions, while utilizing the built-in Intelligent Navigation Modes to create autonomous flight paths and maneuvers.
Guidance SDK enables you to easily develop all kinds of vision based applications, by granting you full control of your Guidance. You can easily access all output data from Guidance on all mainstream systems.
Note: following chunks will be evaluated by SwikiCodeRobots walking on this page.
Loading this page will fileIn the code for DJI's SDK API in the running system. It is reccomened if you are woking on API implementation. In case you are not interested in contributing to this API implementation, it is better to walk on test pages of the DJISDK using your dji8 system.
"Build the SDK for the hosting platform"
(Smalltalk includesKey: #NSObject)
ifTrue: [ SwikiCodeRobot @> #(api 'dji,ios') ]
ifFalse: [ SwikiCodeRobot @> #(api 'dji,android') ]!